Hibbs Homes Named one of Missouri's Best Custom Home Builders

We are thrilled to announce that we have been named one of Missouri's Best Custom Home Builders for 2018 by Home Builder Digest!

Below are excerpts from the announcement, which can be read in full detail here.

Hibbs Homes, one of the fastest growing custom home builders in Missouri, began in 2004. As Kim and Jan Hibbs looked at the homes being built in the St. Louis area, they set out to do something different from what every other St. Louis area home builder was doing. In an age of cookie cutter construction, Kim and Jan decided instead to offer homes that were personalized for the homeowner in every respect –custom crafted, lifestyle inspired homes.

Hibbs Homes has an A+ rating from the BBB in part because of their unique approach to home building. They offer a Pre-Build Process unlike other builders in their class. Individuals interested in building a home can work with the custom home builder and their team for a nominal commitment to fully design and budget their home before they commit to the full construction project. This ensures that every client is fully comfortable with their plan, their budget and their support team as they move forward.

Our sincerest thanks for this recognition for our work. Our team looks forward to earning this recognition again, year after year, by building the best custom-crafted, lifestyle-inspired homes in the St. Louis region.

Learn more about Hibbs Homes: